Hi, i’m nancy elizabeth!
I’m an author, speaker, and podcast host devoted to helping you live a life full of everything and everyone you love.
“You were born with wings. Why prefer to crawl through life?” -Rumi
I believe we are never victims of our circumstance but rather students of life. That whatever we are given to face we can turn into good, learning and building and able to change our paths through our actions and reactions.
I’m from the tiny & beautiful state of Rhode Island, went to school in the south and then starting moving west and even overseas with my best friend and partner in life. We’ve dealt with health and fertility, family conflict, struggling to stay connected during the demands of his career, re-imagining my career, raising kids, and growing up ourselves together.
Through it all I love to try and to do. Armed with an insatiable thirst to learn if something isn’t going right, I seek a way to fix it. Health, communication, discipline, personal habits - I read and seek and try. Which has given me tools, strategies that work, and knowledge of what doesn’t!
From this Person Partner Parent was born!